Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reasons to Become a Real Estate Agent

If you're a sales-minded individual and on the job hunt, you're probably noticing that it's difficult to find a position that is perfect for you. If you're highly motivated and ambitious, then real estate is something that I certainly recommend looking into. It is a career that is truly unlike any other, and it can be highly rewarding if you work hard enough. Here are just a few of the reasons to become a real estate agent:
One of the great things about being a real estate agent is the complete freedom and flexibility you have in your life. If you have other part-time jobs, or if you're a father or mother and need the flexibility for your children then real estate is the perfect choice. The only boss you have is the broker-in-charge of the agency you work for, besides that you are an independent contractor and you set your own hours. For instance, if you've been on all of your appointments for the day, you can afford to go home a little early and get caught up on laundry or other personal appointments. Need a vacation? Take one, you don't have to ask anyone for permission.
The possibilities are endless. Though the real estate company you work for will take a percentage of your commission, the income possibilities are still endless. Because you are your own boss, you will reap the benefits depending on how hard you work. This is where the boys are separated from the men. Due to the flexibility, most real estate agents don't do the necessary work and instead lack the proper motivation to be successful. If you work hard then you'll see the rewards. For instance, you could come across a client that is looking to buy a $7,000,0000 tract of commercial property. If you made the sell, at closing you will have made over $300,000 in a single sale. I know this is an extreme example, but this type of thing happens everyday.
If you have been a resident in a particular area for a number of years, then more than likely you have made numerous contacts over the years, whether it's your dentist, neighbor, or friend at a local club. Real estate is the most effective career in which you have an already established clientele base that you can draw from. When you start your real estate career, immediately notify everyone you know that you now have the capability to assist them with their real estate needs. More than likely, you won't have to pick up the phone and cold call at all, you can just rely on your sphere of influence to do the work for you. Real estate is something everyone has in common, and it's easy to strike up a conversation with someone you know. For instance, if you have a friend that knows someone in construction or building, you could use that as a way to get in the door with the builder. If the builder then has a project coming up, you have already easily established a relationship with them through a mutual friend and you can begin the process of searching for land for their development site. Once you've found the land, the builder may even let you list all of the homes that are proposed to be built. And folks, that's a lot of money.
Creativity and Independence.
The thing I enjoy most about being a real estate agent is the creativity I use to run my business. All of the advertising and name branding is completely in my hands, and if you have the creativity that is necessary in advertising then real estate is a good opportunity for you. I once had the idea to put a flyer of mine on all pizza delivery boxes near the local university campus, advertising that I work closely with first time home buyers and people looking to move from dorms and into condos or townhomes. The reality of it is that a real estate agent is running their own business. Brainstorm for ways to get your name out and brand yourself to specializing in a niche or particular location.
No two days are the same.
If you're sales-minded, part of the problem with looking for the right position is that you don't want to be stuck in a store all day or behind a cubicle making cold calls all day long. Real estate is an adventure. You're given the opportunity to be out of the office all day long and touring some of your areas most interesting and beautiful homes. Meeting new people in the field is much more exciting and the drama involved with a real estate transaction is enough to keep you on your toes. Being involved in the negotiations process is exciting, as well as the drama that happens until the eve of closing.
Emotional rewards.
I talked briefly about the monetary rewards for selling real estate, but the most rewarding experience is making a client's dreams come true. You're involved in one of the most important decisions that your client will ever make, and the minute you hand the keys over to them you know you've made the difference. They hired you to take them from Point A to Point B, and by achieving that you've truly done something significant. There's a certain pride in selling homes, and your clients will never forget their real estate agent.
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