Thursday, March 27, 2014


How many of you think online Video Lectures are equivalent, in terms of learning outcomes, to face-to-face lectures? Do you know of empirical evidences?

Sundaresan Muthuswamy · Indian Institute of Science
Though most of us agree video lectures have helped the students considerably , it is the notes made practically offline that helps him to prepare for the examinations. Certain mathematical notes, figures which are difficult to be drawn in the computer and better explained in real time, answers to class room responses needing clarity, live appreciation and interaction from the teacher are some factors missing in video lecture classes.
Viewing online or recorded videos of exciting sports games is a shadow of the real experience. While the mind reaches out in video lecture, the heart is far from it. 
Jaya Kurhekar · Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli
Absolutely not, nothing can replace face to face interaction! Any other lecturing methods are just supplementary, the advantages of listening to a person, sitting in front of him or her, are many and beyond comparison with other forms of interaction.

Stefan Mocanu · Polytechnic University of Bucharest
I think there are two different aspects:
1. The cost of the course: this, in my opinion, is why on-line lectures are becoming more and more popular. Anyway, this scenario offers limited to zero feedback from the student. Direct interaction between student (beneficiary) and teacher is also limited, usually there are many questions that are left without answers. Anyway, if the cost of the course is aimed, online courses will win.

2. The impact of the course: face-to-face courses are, clearly, winners in this case. Students can ask questions and have a direct interaction with the teacher which can provide more details, explanations and examples.

I strongly believe that face-to-face teaching can not be replaced by video lectures.
Jan 12, 2014

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