Monday, April 28, 2014


Are We Communicating?

According to a recent survey of California homebuyers, one of the biggest challenges facing real estate professionals and their clients is communication. We all know past clients are a great source of repeat and referral business, so why is it that many real estate agents find it difficult to stay in touch after the transaction?
We know communication is key and yet the survey* shows that the main dissatisfactions consumers have with their agents are slow response time and ineffective/inefficient or undesirable communication methods.

How would your clients rate your communication?

Communication and Closing

As an agent, your relationships with your sellers are a fundamental part of your business.
Communication needs differ dramatically depending on your client’s home buying cycle. But one thing remains the same and that is the necessity to manage and track all communication and touch points for future reference. Quick access to past communications, documents or other notes will ensure that you and your team can respond quickly to your client inquiries or requests. How many prospects, active buyers and sellers, and past clients do you manage throughout the year? Keeping track of changing needs, email threads and important documents for your clients is something that doesn’t need to be difficult. With Top Producer® CRM, all important details and communications are quickly accessible from your computer, tablet or mobile phone, meaning you will never be stuck saying, “Let me get back to you when I am back in the office,” or “I will have to look for that email and get back to you.”
However, continuous and frequent communication with an ever-growing network of past clients and your sphere of influence can be a daunting task. Who should you connect with today, this week, this month? Ad hoc approaches leave many contacts with little-to-no contact. For many agents, not having a structured approach leads to doing nothing, or contact paralysis. If this sounds familiar to you it may be time to automate and simplify your follow-up with Top Producer® CRM.
Top Producer® CRM suggests daily which five of your contacts you should follow up with and what action to take making your follow-up feel like a breeze. Top Producer® CRM creates a personal interaction with past clients and your sphere that drives engagement to a closing with personal and intelligent communication.

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